Imagine, making the decision to build a business that gives you an income, pride, and satisfaction. A decision that could change your life forever.

Every lesson is completely tailor-made to the needs of the individual. Working with children and adults returning to education, there's no better place to find your tutor.

It is predicted that by the end of the year tutoring will be a $2billion industry in the UK alone.

With the curriculum getting harder and class sizes getting bigger, more and more families are looking to tutors for support.

Life changed after lockdown and many children struggled to go back to school, whilst others struggled to catch up with the curriculum.

The demand on teachers magnified, creating an explosion of demand for tutors.

  • With a start-up investment of just £3k

  • A monthly support fee of just £100

  • Your dream could become your reality.

Using a variety of resources every lesson is tailor made to your individual needs to help you achieve your goals in Math and English.

Clara James Tutoring offers bespoke, 1 to 1 Math and English tuition in the comfort of the child’s home or on zoom.

We always use a range of resources and tailor the lesson to the needs of the individual we are working with as we recognise that everyone has a unique way of learning.

Many of the children we work with have some form of learning difficulty such as dyslexia, autism, ADHD. We are different from most tutoring businesses and I know we are not suitable for everyone.

Key to learning

Learning is best achieved when we are relaxed, engaged, and have access to a range of resources.

In the 20+ years I have worked in, and studied learning styles and education, one of the main things that became apparent is that we are all different.

We all learn differently.

It is far harder to embrace what we are being taught, if we are not relaxed and open to learning.

Furthermore, if we do something once, we create a memory. So, for example, if we do a worksheet, that information is lodged somewhere in our mind. If we complete a second worksheet, we are reinforcing that knowledge. But, our brain still only has one place to go to find the information that it needs.

However, if we do a range of different activities, we are creating more memories within our brain. When that information is needed, our brain has more places to go to where it can find the knowledge that it is seeking.

Training and support are provided.

We are here to help you every step of the way.

As tutors we have always prided ourselves on the support we have offered to our students.

As a franchisee, we would give you the same, amazing support.

When you invest your £3k in a franchise you want to know that you will receive the support that you need. You don't want to be dropped, once you've made your initial investment and left in limbo! The £100 support fee gives you access to a whole wealth of support.

We know that everyone will be joining us from a different starting place. You may have an educational background and want help with starting and growing a business. Or you may have a corporate background or have run your own business in the past. However, education could be a whole new entity for you. Whatever your background is, the training will be adapted to suit you as an individual.

We are here to help you every step of the way.

The first 4 days of training will take place online. Then on the 5th day we will meet you here in Aylesbury for a fully packed day where we can ensure that you feel ready to start out on your new journey as a tutor!

Prior to this you will receive an introductory manual which will walk you through setting up your bank account, registering with relevant bodies, etc.

During the training program we will go through everything from marketing (Facebook ads, Google ads, Google My Business, neighborhood cards) and who you might want to market to.

We will look at the process to go through when a family gets in touch. Meeting them and ensuring that you can give genuine help and support rather than coming across as a pushy salesperson.

We will explore planning the lesson, creating resources, carrying out the lesson, receiving feedback and referrals and using this to grow your business.

After this you will receive a fortnightly phone call. We can use this time to get the answers to any questions that you may have and talk about the goals you have and any support you may need in implementing them.

In addition, you will receive all of this:

  • Comprehensive training manuals will contain a lot of the answers you may seek.

  • The bimonthly newsletter

  • Between our fortnightly phone calls, you may come across other questions that you have. Feel free to drop us an email or a text at any time and we will ring you back as soon as possible.

  • Quarterly webinars.

  • In the summer months there will be a one -day event.

This will be a fantastic opportunity to network and learn. In the winter months we will have another networking and training day this will also combine with our annual awards.

This will be a brilliant day and you are guaranteed to leave motivated and inspired for the coming year. Our weekly franchisee’s club email will offer a range of useful information and ideas to grow your business.

The annual one to one meeting is key. This will be your opportunity to meet with us and set your personal targets for both your business and your personal life.

Something we pride ourselves in is the fact that one style doesn’t suit all. We will provide you with support in working with both dyslexic and children on the autism spectrum.

We will also offer ideas and suggestions on working with children who have other learning difficulties. Though it is always important to remember that these children are also individuals and cannot be categorized by a label.

Every child you work with will have their individual skills and preferences, the training we give you will help you to recognize these and respond to them.

Who is the Ideal Clara James Franchisee?

Our Ultimate goal is to become the number one tutoring organization in the UK (and if I'm perfectly honest, I'd have to say the world - but one step at a time!)

To achieve this, we are seeking franchisees who recognize that the most important underlying value is customer service and a mantra that asks:

Becoming a franchisee is something you need to be passionate about. The business will become like another member of your family.

You will be someone special. You will be:

  • Empathetic, warm and encouraging.

  • Open to new ideas and adaptable.

  • Creative

  • You will have good qualifications and able to travel within your territory

  • Self-motivated and enjoy hard work

  • Entrepreneurial, determined to succeed and keen to generate income and profit

  • Organized Customer focused

  • Keen to learn

  • A people person, able to listen as well as to talk.

Who you're not:

Someone who has a love of worksheets, stern, or narrow minded!


What is my initial outlay cost wise?

The initial investment is just £3K. That's it. You may decide that you would like to give your business a boost by creating Facebook ads or Google ads, if so, we will show you how, but it is completely at your discretion.

What training / learning will I get?

When you set off on your journey with us you will receive 4 days of training which will take place online. Then on the 5th day we will meet with you here in Aylesbury for a fully packed day where we can ensure that you feel ready to start out on your new adventure as a tutor!

(Prior to this you will have already received an introductory manual which will walk you through setting up your bank account, registering with relevant bodies, etc.)

During the initial 5-day training program we will go through everything from marketing. We will look at the process to go through when a family gets in touch: meeting them and ensuring that you can give genuine help and support rather than coming across as a pushy salesperson. We will explore planning the lesson, creating resources, carrying out the lesson, receiving feedback and referrals and using this to grow your business.

Am I limited to the area where I can trade?

When you join us you will be given an area in which you will be free to to trade. However, if you decide you would like to expand your area, you will be more than welcome to purchase and additional adjoining area.

What sort of turnover could it return?

As with most things, your turnover will be dependent on what you put in to your business. You may just work a couple of hours a week at £45/hour and that's it. Or, you may work additional hours and employ other tutors to work alongside you. That's what I do and it has made a huge difference to the business's revenue.

I can talk you through the numbers if you would like more information.

Is there any ongoing training /costs?

Any ongoing training will be covered by your monthly support fee. As you take on new students you will need to purchase additional starter packs and you may choose to promote your business with Clara James workwear, but again that is at your discretion.

What is the revenue payable?

We have chosen to state that instead of paying a percentage of your revenue, the monthly support cost will be fixed at £100. This may change in time but for anyone who signs at this time, it will remain the same for the duration of their journey with us.

When would I likely see a return on investment?

Again, this depends on how proactive you are within your business. The more you get it out there and promote it, the quicker you will receive a return on it. With an initial investment of £3,000 you would need to work just 67 hours of tutoring to earn it back. That may sound a lot, but if you did just 5 hours a week, you'd start to see a return on your investment in just over 3 months.

How much ongoing support is there?

As mentioned above, you will receive a fortnightly phone call. We can use this time to get the answers to any questions that you may have and talk about the goals you have and any support you may need in implementing them.

- The bimonthly printed newsletter

- Contact us by WhatsApp or Email

- Quarterly webinars

- The winter and summer one -day events

- Our weekly franchisee’s club email will offer a range of useful information and ideas to grow your business

- The annual one to one meeting is key

You will need to purchase additional starter packs when you take on new students, once you have used your initial ones. As said previously you may choose to invest in additional marketing, but this is solely at your discretion.

© Copyright 2022 Clara James Tutoring