Clara James Tutoring


Crafting the Perfect Tutor Profile: Stand Out and Connect with Families

Crafting Your Tutor Profile: Stand Out in the Sea of Educators

May 01, 20245 min read

Crafting the Perfect Tutor Profile: Stand Out and Connect with Families

Imagine a family has decided to take the plunge and invest in a tutor for their child. It’s not something they’ve ever done before and they’re not sure what to expect. There are so many tutors out there. How should they decide!

There are (in all likelihood) two main possible routes that they might take.

They might get onto social media and ask for recommendations.

Alternatively, they might head to Google and search for tutors in their area.

Either way, if they come across you, they will probably end up investigating you further.

And so, their journey with you begins. It begins long before you may even be aware of it, but we need to be careful because the first impressions that we make will last.

What Makes a Great Tutor Profile? Tips for Showcasing Your Unique Approach

A click on your profile and they read:

“Hi, I’m Dawn and I tutor both maths and English. I’ve been tutoring for over 12 years now but have additional 12 years of experience working in childcare and education prior to that. In addition, I also have a degree in childcare and education from the open university.

I am mum to 3 adult children and do lessons both online and in the child’s home. I am available Monday to Sunday but having said that my remaining slots are limited. For prices and more information get in touch.

Click here to get in touch.”


That’s fine, I have covered all the basic information that they might need, but there is nothing personal in there. Why me? From that, what makes me different to any other tutor that they might read about. Ok, you might have a couple of testimonials to justify that you are good at what you do, but so many people are cynical about them and often dismiss them as being created by your friends and family.


So, what do you do?

There are two main considerations I would like to suggest from the outset.

The first is that you consider: If I was looking for a tutor for myself or a member of my own family what would I want to know? What might I expect?

The second question you might ask yourself is what would the best tutor in the world do? How could I replicate that?


Now you have had a mind shift you will no doubt address your profile completely differently. Talk to them about how you will help them rather than an egocentric piece of information about yourself.

I always talk about how we strive to support confidence as well as knowledge and the style of teaching and resources we use to achieve this.


The journey may stop at this point, or it may continue, and they do get in touch with you. Now you need to consider what you can do to impress them going forward. It’s not about bragging, in fact may be the opposite of that. It’s about answering their questions, putting their mind to rest.

Maybe you will offer a free lesson, but often it is the little insignificant details that make the biggest difference. An email confirming the day, time, and what you will be covering. Taking your shoes off as you go into their home, smiling!


So, in your mind what would the best tutor in the world do? What can you do to replicate that? How can you take the family on a journey that will impress them from beginning to end?

Remember, often it is all in the detail.

Clara James Tutoring is inviting you to join us as a founding franchisee to help you to set up your own tutoring business with the systems, knowledge, and experience that we have gathered over the years.

We are offering our founding members a franchise for just £3,000 then a subscription of just £100/month on a 3-year contract.

Interested to learn more?

Get in touch and we will get details in the post to you today

Actionable steps you can take today:

 1. Research and Network:

- Begin by asking for recommendations on social media or conducting a Google search to find local tutors.

- Take note of what qualities or services are frequently praised in recommended tutors.

2. Craft Your Online Presence:

- Optimise your social media profiles and website to highlight how you can meet the needs of potential clients.

- Ensure that your communication emphasises understanding student needs, personalisation of teaching methods, and unique benefits you offer.

3. Develop a Client-Centric Message:

- When creating content for your profile, focus on what students and parents are looking for in an ideal tutor.

- Avoid just listing credentials; instead, explain how these qualifications benefit the student.

4. Offer Value from the First Interaction:

- Consider providing a free first lesson to showcase your teaching style and build trust with new family.

5. Maintain Quality Service:

- After securing a student, continue to provide high-quality service consistently.

- Send preparatory emails before sessions as part of enhancing their learning experience.

6. Showcase Flexibility in Teaching Methods:

- Communicate clearly about how you adapt lessons to fit each student's individual learning style and pace.

7. Demonstrate Thoughtfulness:

– Implement small gestures that show care for your students’ success without additional cost implications (e.g., follow-up messages checking on homework progress).

Reach Out For More Information:

Contact us if you're interested in setting up a tutoring business under our brand name and we will answer any questions you may have regarding training, support, customer acquisition strategies etc.

By following these steps thoughtfully crafted from today’s blog about finding a tutor or becoming one yourself via franchise opportunity ensures both parties—tutors seeking work and learners seeking assistance—are well-informed leading towards successful educational partnerships!

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Happy New Year - Jan 2024

Happy new year!  

I hope you’ve had a brilliant break over Christmas.

I know some people have been on holiday, others have been enjoying family time at home. Either way, I hope it was fantastic.

Someone sent me a Christmas present just before the bog day, but I have no idea who it was from, so I can’t say thank you. I feel really guilty as it seems like bad manners, but it was just in a box from M&S with no message attached.

This year, I have committed to send out the notification when the monthly membership bundle goes live, but I am also going to send out an (initially) fortnightly newsletter with suggestions for revision / secondary school Math / English, then in the alternate week a newsletter with suggestions for the primary subjects.

If either of them isn’t relevant, please either let me know and I will ensure you just get the primary or secondary newsletter if you want it, or just click unsubscribe (but then you also won’t receive the email about when the bundle goes live).

My goal is to keep you more in the loop as to what is happening. For example, we occasionally put free courses on Udemy – we’ve just done one on angles – here’s the link if wanted. It was created to promote the topic book we have also created; we’ve also got revision planners for students that might be suitable for some GCSE parents.

At Christmas we also had some free times-tables colouring sheets which you may not have been aware of, so like I say, it may not be of interest to you, but if it is, at least you’ll be aware of it. I have 3 revision planners and 3 angles topic books to give away if you’re interested. Let me know and I’ll happily pop one in the post for you (or give it to you if I’m likely to see you…).

If you do have one, if you could give it feedback on Amazon (I’ll send you the link) that would be hugely appreciated.  

Happy new year for now and warm wishes,


Times Tables - Jan 24



Last week I sent out an email saying I was going to try and commit to sending out an email at the beginning of each week on ideas to support primary school children, then later in the week about supporting secondary school children.

As a result, I was asked if I could also send out some ideas to support the 11+.

(Again, if this doesn’t concern you let me know and I’ll try to ensure that you don’t receive them).

I’ll send the 11+ emails on an alternate Wednesday as I normally have Alfie, my grandson on a Tuesday and the odds of getting much done with a lively 2-year-old for company…  

There will be some cross over between primary school and secondary school subjects, but at any stage there is something you specifically want me to help with, please do shout.  

So, back on subject, sorry…  

Times tables have always been one of the key subjects that I work on with, specifically primary aged children, but also secondary school children, and often the parents say they’re awful at them as well…  

I don’t suggest learning them in chronological order.

If you do, you’ll hit some of the much harder ones before you get to some of the easier ones.

Instead, what I suggest (and you’ve probably heard me say this before) is that you start with the 10’s, 11’s, 2’s and 5’s as they do in school.

Then deviate across to the 9’s as there are so many tricks to help you to learn them.

Then the 6’s or 7’s. Crazy I know!   But they are quite simple if you split them so that 6x8 becomes: 5x8 + 1x8 = 50+8 Or 7x8 becomes 5x8 + 2x8 = 40 +16 = 56.

From there you can pretty much work in any order.

The 12’s is also straight forward as we can split it into 10x + 2x which would give us the same answer as 12x.  

There are more suggestions on the times tables over in the Clara James Approach, or I have a sequence of emails which sends out once a month with suggestions on how to learn each of the times tables with some resources. If it would help, the link is here: Support your child with their times tables - The fun way! (

I hope that’s helpful and not just waffle.

Like I say if there is anything specific you would like us to focus on, please do give me a shout.  

Have a great week and warm wishes,  


Hand Writing Support


I hope you had a good weekend.


Something I am often asked about is supporting hand-writing skills.

At a young age this may relate to the hand muscles in the hands not yet being fully developed and I have a few suggestions that may help.

As the child gets older, you may want to find the support of an occupational therapist to provide some suggestions.


1.       Start big: I guess it’s a bit like parking a car. When you are first asked to park a car, you wouldn’t want to park in a narrow gap, you’d hopefully save that until you were more confident, more skilled. Handwriting practice is the same, using a big piece of paper is far better than trying to squeeze your imperfect shapes between two narrow lines. Even better, (if the weather is more forgiving) start by using water to paint on the side of the house, a patio or footpath). Use large movements and as these improve start to shrink it down to what is expected inside a school exercise book.  

2.       Jenga: I love this game and we’ve adapted it by writing numbers of the bricks so that we can practice number bonds or the times tables, we’ve also got grammatical terms on others so that we can also practice those. But the skill and care needed to remove the brick from the tower without it all tumbling is a great way to practice the fine motor skills which will in turn support handwriting.


3.       Colouring is another suggestion: keeping the colouring inside the lines is another skill that requires practice and patience. Again, the strokes used in colouring can further aid the shapes created when writing letters.  

4.       Sewing again requires the use of the fine motor skills needed for neat handwriting. You may just do a normal running stitch on a square of fabric, or you may decide to make something or use a more elaborate stitch. Either way I hope this helps.  

5.       Playdough and clay are other great early interventions to building up the muscles in the hands. The stronger and more developed the muscles are the more precise we can be with our writing.  

To be honest, anything that needs to be precise will help. Many crafts and building activities help.    

For some people, messy handwriting is always an issue.

There are a couple of members of my family whose handwriting I always struggle to read, yet they are so intelligent. It doesn't seem to add up. But my daughter says, if she doesn’t write quickly, she can’t remember everything her brain is throwing at her. Her brain works at such a speed.

I used to tutor a girl a couple of years back. I hadn’t realized her mum was an invigilator for the A’ levels at the school my youngest went to.

Not long after Hay sat her history the mum asked me if my daughter was doing her exams now.


Does she do History?

Yes. Is she called Angel?


She said, I thought it must be your daughter.

I have never seen anyone writing so quickly. I expected sparks to come off that page!  

There are many reasons why people have scruffy handwriting, sometimes it needs to be investigated and like I say, if you are worried about it, it might be worth while trying to get in touch with an occupational therapist.

Sometimes, practicing using the suggestions above will help.   Sometimes, like with Hay, it’s just one of those things that make them, them.  

I hope this has helped a bit.

Have a great week and warm wishes,
